Steampunk Art 2d Goggles

The other day, I had the good fortune to notice a small link on Duke Pearse’s blog, and followed it to an astoundingly humorous Steampunk blog about two of the genre’s icons – Lovelace and Babbage! Together, they fight (or will fight, as the blog is quite new) a variety of threats of the time (such as the alien invasion of 1896, and the collapse of the American banking system).

Aside from the true life parallels the author/illustrator, a Ms. Sidney Padua, draws with his topics of his endeavor, she has a skill to twist a clever phrase, such as …

“…Isambard Kingdom Brunel was like the Wolverine of the early Victorians. He was short, ripped, had big sideburns, smoked 50 cigars a day, AND KICKED EVERYONES ASS!!
Okay, I dont know for a fact that he was ripped…”

Well, he probably was, but regardless, do pay 2D Goggles a visit, to keep up with the latest episodes of this very clever work, which is located at:

{A tip of the hat to the astute Duke Pearse for locating this gem – ty, sir!}