(Port Babbage) – The biggest news of the past few days has been Miss Zoe Connolly’s Port Babbage Air Station and her relocation of the Connolly Telegraph adjacent to her facility. This will bring the a total of SL Steampunk blog in New Babbage to two (yes, including this one, tyvm)!
Also, in an effort to jump start background development and projected role play in New Babbage, a Ning network has been growing, with serious discussion emerging regarding the past and the future of New Babbage’s history. If you are interested in joining this unofficial appendage, please head towards…
The idea of this small community is to “flesh out” the residents of New Babbage, with background stories and other items along the same vein.
(New Toulouse) – Miss Wind has announced that the sim has been officially ordered, so please visit this blog regularly for further news, or… visit New Toulouse’s Ning network at:
(Steelhead City) – As reported in Mr. Eclipse’s blog, http://totallunareclipse.blogspot.com/, Steelhead Boomtown has been officially announced, and is certain to be filling up quite quickly!
(Victoria City) – And finally, our Victorian cousins will celebrate their 2nd anniversary on the 26th of February. Not normally one to announce items on the Caledonian Social Calender, the celebrations and rez-day of the most influential and best know Victorian / Steampunk sim in SL is certainly worth mentioning:
23 FEB 08 (Saturday)
10-12 SLT – Calibur Colonial Ball, Caledon Eyre
14-17 SLT – Caledon Library Recognition Dance, Lovelace25 FEB 08 (Monday)
18-20 SLT – Caledon Book Discussion, Pride and Prejudice26 FEB 08 (Tuesday)
All day – Caledon Treasure Hunt
02 – 04 SLT – Grand Ball of the Roses (Australian Time)04 – 05 SLT – Fireworks (Caledon Sound, Lionsgate, Speirling, Middlesea, & Murdann)12 – 14 SLT – Grand Ball of the Roses (European Time)14 – 15 SLT – Fireworks (Caledon Sound, Lionsgate, Speirling, Middlesea, & Murdann)19 – 21 SLT – Grand Ball of the Roses (North American Time)21 – 22 SLT – Fireworks (Caledon Sound, Lionsgate, Speirling, Middlesea, & Murdann)