Rl Steampunk Dr David Livingston

Dr. David Livingston, Legendary Explorer

The History Channel has a new show titled “Expedition Africa”, which details the travels of a group of four travellers retracing the route Mr. Stanley undertook to locate Dr. David Livingston. The good doctor, for his part, was asked to settle a debate on the source of the Nile by the Royal Geographical Society president, Sir Roderick Murchison.

Though a young 51 years of age, he had anticipated a comfortable retirement. However, he could not refuse the request of his friend and comrade. (Ed. note – The History Channel’s narrative had a phrase that was quite telling “Explorers were the rock stars of Victorian England…”, and after reading the details of the story behind Dr. Livingston and Mr. Stanley, it is quite impressive.

Mr. Henry Morton Stanley, Journalist and Explorer

I’ve seen a bit of the show (at this point – RL issues cut my viewing pleasure short), but the idea is the four individuals will trace the steps of the Victorian explorers, while a narrative of the history matches their travails. Full videos will be posted soon, but there are some video clips at the History Channel’s website, specifically:


And if you wish to learn more about the legendary gentlemen, please visit…
