Bloody: Often claimed to be a contraction or “By Our Lady”. Most Victorians didnt know the etymology, but they knew it was extremely bad language.
Bourgeoisie: People whos income derives from investments or land, rather than from working.
Boxing Day: December 26th, a day where small gifts of money were made to servants and the needy.
Brevet: In effect, a temporary promotion to the next highest military rank, granting command authority but no increase in pay.
Brougham: A moderately priced carriage that many middle-class families could afford, with a closed body and two or four wheels, and usually pronounced “broom” or “brome” Especially favored by physicians.
Chapel: Often used to refer to a place of worship and used by Dissenters; contrasts with the “church”.
Chemist: A seller of drugs and related products.
College: In British usage, one of the subdivisions of Cambridge or Oxford, with its own grounds where some students, and some instructors resided, dined, socialized, and sometimes studied. Each college provided tutors for its undergraduates.
Commanding Officer: In the 19th century, an officer other than the ships captain or master who is temporarily in command; the phrase never means the captain, who is simply “the captain”. Stoddard, W.H. (2000) – Gurps Steampunk, pg. 142, SJG:Austin[edited for removal of game specific content]