Aether Salon Villians

A quick reminder… the Aether Salon, the most visited academic Steampunk endeavor in Second Life, will hold its next session today, focusing on “Villians!” To quote the lovely Miss Viv Trafalgar, the hostess of the Salon…

Has the Briliant Doctor Obolensky met his match in the suave and mysterious Baron Klaus Wulfenbach? When these collide, who will be left standing (or will we all be left standing on the tracks!?)

Join us from 2 to 3:30 pm SLT for the clash between these two veritible titans of power!

Gasp! Quail! Hide behind your hands! (But please leave your weapons and lag-inducing accoutriments at home!)

As always, a diabolical craft will be assembled at the conclusion of hte salon.

A smashing good time to be had today – do visit the Salon!

(or IM Miss Viv Trafalgar or Serafina Puchkina for a tp)