My new neighborhood in Port Babbage (Port Babbage) Well, the past couple of weeks have been quite busy, both in RL & SL, which directly led to changes in both. First, I have moved away from Antiquity, and returned to New Babbage. The reason for the departure rests mostly with the desire to return to my Steampunk roots. Though I had considered a number of other locations (both Victorian and non-Victorian), after consultations with Mayor Sprocket, I decided to relocate to a large vacated lot in Port Babbage, next door to Miss Eggberta Echegaray, editor of the New Babbage Cog. However, upon leaving, I needed to relinquish some the duties I had taken on in Antiquity. The Royal Antiquity Navy is currently in the capable hands of Duke Angus, who will command it until he decides upon his successor. I will still serve in its reserves, as an independent privateer, whenever called upon to duty (or just for a good fight).The Antiquity Gazette, fresh from an interview by a German newspaper about “Hyperlocal Journalism”, will tentatively be run by Miss Hope Coakes, who based on her previous writings, will serve as an outstanding editor (-trix?) and keep its residents (and visitors) up to date with all of the happenings in Antiquity, as it grows dramatically.
Mayor Sprocket (l), Mr. Commodore (in the aircraft), and myself during the initial few minutes of the nacent Vernain Sea… with a lovely ship (ex-train)As a bit of trivia, I was almost one of the original residents of New Babbage, but unfortunately my RL military service threw the proverbial “rusty wrench” into my plans. I had considered Steelhead, or possibly waiting for a new Caledonian sim, but after wandering around the gritty streets of the New Babbage Canals, and relaxing in Port Babbage, I had made my mind up to return. When the Mayor offered me the current plot, I jumped on it, and now I only have one problem.I had acquired a low-prim domicile, with the expectations to modify it for my future business. But a combination of focusing on making product, limited RL time, and my lack of building skill (for what I envision), leads me to ask any readers if there is a decent and innovative SL builder I might be able to contact for the new building. I do have a specific concept on what I want, but I do not know of any builders personally, much less one who might understand my vision for a novel building.
My infamous cube… it just dosen’t make a statement – except “I’m a plain box” (*grumble*)If anyone knows of such a person, I would sincerely appreciate a comment (or IM in world)! Thank you!