“For the last 11 weeks, Miss Elspeth Wooly and I have been preparing the Great Exhibition SLs version of the original Great Exhibition of 1851. We have collected together, under one huge glass roof, the best of SL design. The grand opening is this Sunday, 1st of June, from 3pm to 5pm (SLT). We would be delighted to have your company.
The entrance to the main floor of the expoPlease dont be late, as you may miss the arrival, by royal train, of their royal highnesses Queen Victorian and Prince Albert. In addition to the great beauty of the hundreds of exhibits, there will be guided tours, souvenirs to take home, and, lag permitting, fireworks. Music will be presented by both Mr. Elrik Merlin of Radio Riel and Miss Anu Papp.”
Furniture & Dinos on the second floor…
One arrives just outside of the giant edifice, between the Egyptian deities guarding the entrance to Great Exhibition. Just inside is a herd of elephants, the skeleton of a Tyrannosaurus Rex, and to the immediate right, an overall map of the amazing expanse that comprises this build.
Across from the fountain, are a number of edifices, comprising of a number of stores, the Irkmade main store (containing a number of era items for sale), and the spacious Marzipan Teahouse (easily identified by the tasteful glass domes adorning it).
Outside the Marzipan Teahouse, with a view of its beautiful domes The dance floor is large and includes numerous dances, from the traditional SL couples dances, to other era-specific dances. Also, a stage is at the far end, which I imagine will be home to some as-yet-unnamed productions. Finally, the corner of the Teahouse has a small tearoom, for those wishing to indulge in the Marzipans namesake beverage.
The spacious ballroom inside … quiet after hours, but certain to be busy soon!Taking a multitude of photos would not only defeat the purpose of a visit to the Exhibition, but frankly, would take too many photos to address in this small blog. Do be prepared for a bit of lag, but personally, I shall make it a point of attending Im confident it will be a fantastic event!A fountain marks the center plaza of the groundsFor more information on the RL Great Exhibition, please visit:http://www.victorianstation.com/palace.htmlhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_Exhibitionhttp://victorianweb.org/history/1851/1851ov.htmlhttp://www.fashion-era.com/the_great_exhibition.htmTo visit directly, please go to:http://slurl.com/secondlife/Sterling%20Grove/103/127/21/