A very talented photographer who resides in San Francisco, she had done a photoshoot with a steampunk flair about August of 2007. I was fortunate to locate her work, but missed some of her portfolio at the time. These are a few of her exquisite pieces of work… please visit her website for more of the same top notch work!
http://katbretphotography.deviantart.com/http://www.katbret.com/———-Christopher Ambler
A standout photographer from the Pacific Northwest, Mr. Ambler specialized in artistic photographs (.. that would be artistic nudes / glamor photographs, sir or madam), but he did a Steampunk shoot, and these are examples of his excellent work. Please feel free to visit his site for more photographic treasureshttp://cambler.deviantart.com/http://www.amblerphoto.com/
Flight Cap from Abney Park’s online storeGentlemans Emporium a through site for era attire
Sultuers Stores – an amazing resource for Steampunk & Victorian attire
Fan plus Friend’s Victorian store
Gallery Serpentine – a bit more risque, but good attire for inspiration (or wear, I imagine)
http://www.galleryserpentine.com/Ascots and cravats:
http://www.dress-better.com/_mgxroot/page_10891.htmlEra military-esque attire, mostly for ladies:
http://www.lip-service.com/browse.php?season=web_fetish&shop_by=body&group=1080Victorian Ladies Dresses, based on era originals at Corinthias:
http://www.corinthias.net/Victorian.htmlAbney Parks Steampunk Market also has a few items for sale:
http://www.abneypark.com/shirts/fashion.htmlThe Ophelia’s Captain, Robert, modeling the Swallowtail Safari Vest———-
Other itemsScientific Collectables – very nice, but expensive!
http://www.scientificcollectables.com/index.htmlCreation El Sol – wearable sundials
http://www.creationselsol.com/Insect Lab – mecahnical insects (very, very Steampunk-esque!)
http://www.insectlabstudio.com/Real Swordcanes, with blades (ahem… Mr. Vincente, hint, hint!)
http://www.swordcane.com/burger_swords_home.htmVintage Eyeglasses and Antique Spectacles
http://www.eyeglasseswarehouse.com/index.htmlFor those SL individuals who desire the rl version, Mechanical Wings are here (and no, you still can’t fly with them, so please do not attempt to do so!)
http://www.artificeclothing.com/em/shop/Scripts/prodList.asp?idCategory=27Unique decorative items from Aminytray’s Shop…
http://www.etsy.com/shop.php?user_id=31158And last, but certainly not least, the first stop any individual interested in Steampunk fashion, or anything else Steampunk is Brass Goggles. The website has the largest depth of articles about Steampunk, and the forums are awash with everything one can think about regarding Steampunk:
Main Daily blog:
Fashion & Design for Steampunk on its Forum: