Attempting To Forward Steampunk Fashion

Bit of a short notice article, but I did receive an email from a young lady in Latvia, Miss Anda Masq, a budding Steampunk fashion designer, who is in the midst of a European fashion contest (the Evoque Fashion Award) sponsored by  She’s hoping to introduce her Steampunk-inspired works to the contest, but alas, her time is short – the general voting for the event ends at 2400, GMT, on June 18!  It does require a brief registration via Facebook, but if she is selected as one of top ten designers, she’ll be off to London, and and have the opportunity to help the genre in yet one more direction!  To see (and ideally vote) for her work, please follow this link:, Miss Masq has her line… online.  To see a bit more of her works, please do consider a trip to her Esty site, located at: