How to Tie a Victorian Cravat


A Victorian cravat is a type of neckwear that was popular in the Victorian era. It is a long, narrow piece of fabric that is worn around the neck and secured with a knot. Cravats were a fashionable accessory during the Victorian era and are still worn today by those who appreciate vintage fashion. If you would like to learn how to tie a Victorian cravat, follow these steps:

  1. Begin by draping the cravat around your neck so that one end is longer than the other.
  2. Take the longer end of the cravat and make a knot by bringing it over the shorter end and under it.
  3. Bring the longer end of the cravat over the knot and tuck it through the loop that has formed.
  4. Tighten the knot by pulling on the ends of the cravat until it is secure.
  5. Adjust the cravat so that it is centered on your neck and the ends are of equal length.
  6. To finish, adjust the knot and the folds of the cravat to your desired look.

There are many different ways to tie a Victorian cravat, and the above method is just one example. With a little practice, you should be able to master this stylish neckwear accessory and add a touch of vintage charm to your outfits.

Step by step guide to tying a Victorian cravat

Step 1

Step 1 Victorian cravat

Hold the cravat in front of you, as shown, with equal length ends.

Step 2

Step 2 Victorian cravat

Put the cravat across the front of your neck, crossing the ends in the back.

Step 3

Step 3 Victorian cravat

Bring the loose ends forward again, adjusting the fit so it’s comfortable but snug.

Step 4

Step 4 Victorian cravat

Cross the loose ends in front.

Step 5

Step 5 Victorian cravat

Make a simple knot, but leave the knot loose for the time being.

Step 6

Step 6 Victorian cravat

Make another knot in the opposite direction, again leaving the ends loose.

Step 7

Step 7 Victorian cravat

This is actually a close-up of the properly formed knot created in step 6.

Step 8

Victorian cravat

This is actually a close-up of the properly formed knot created in step 6.

Step 9

Alternate look

If you prefer a more tidy look, tuck both ends down into the vest.