Quick Note On Sl Events This Weekend

A brief advert for two big SL events taking place this weekend…Friday will see the grand opening of the Seraph Club in Searph City!  Hosted by Mr. Edward Pearse from 7 to 9 pm, SLT, a cavalcade of classic Jazz, Swing, Swing-revival, and other musical selections will be emanating from the newest entertainment venue in Seraph City… for more information, please visit Through the Filter of a Victorian Aesthetic, at: http://victorianaesthetic.blogspot.com/

Saturday will host the long-awaited 2nd Annual New Babbage Clockwork Ball!  With this Ball’s Grandfather Clockwork build challenge, it is certain to be as outstanding as all of the Piermont Landing’s events have been!  For more details, please visit the New Babbage Ning, at: http://newbabbage.ning.com/events/the-2nd-annual-clockwork-ball