(Antiquity Township) Back in the end of May, I was wandering around Victoria City, when I encountered an intriguing young lady, who approached me and struck up a conversation. We had a grand time, discussing blogging, writing (her specialty), Caledon, Gorian sims a wide spectrum of topics.Just before she left (to attend to business in Gor), she offered friendship, and I accepted how could I not from such an erudite woman? She also provided me with copies of her works, which I read they were very well done, so much that I vowed the next time I was to see her, I would ask her for more of her work. Agent Timely of CaledonThat was not to be. I logged on this morning to do some SL work, and received the following message (edited for this blog)It is with great sadness that I must tell you that my RL friend and one time employee who was known as Timely Sands, has died. At the far too young age of 43, she suffered a massive stroke on week ago, two days after a day surgery to remove a benign tumor. She leaves a husband and two children. Her SL fantasy life was largely unknown to them so I regret there was no way to contact them in RL.SL will miss her in all her roles: Caledonian Intrepid Explorer and part-time spy during the Neualtenburg war.
FreeWoman scribe of Gorean Tafa
Mistress to Bryn, Dina, Taa
Friend to Margie, Marcia, and Margie Meng
As her friend I thank you for all the fun you brought to her life. Lyndal HomewoodMiss Sands in Gorian garbs and veilI had read about those who lose friend in SL/RL, but the sadness is something that one does not comprehend until it happens personally. Although I only met her once, she was (and will remain) one of the most memorable people I have had the pleasure of knowing in SLFarewell Timely you will be missed.
In Memory Of Timely Sands 27