Poll Question Who Best Represents

Christmas saw the opening of Guy Richie’s Sherlock Holmes, and reviews of the production are racing about the internet, with film critics, doing what they do best – criticize other’s work.  To my surprise, there are a good number of positive reviews, including by members of one of the oldest Sherlock Holmes fan groups, the Baker Street Irregulars, were quite positive.

A CNN review of Holmes, which consulted the Irregulars, was very enlightening.  Many of the details which comprised the “common” perception, such as Dr. Watson being a bumbling sidekick, vice the manner in which he was portrayed in the written form (e.g. an intelligent military gentleman with an athletic background and with a patience for Mr. Holmes’ mannerisms), was an enlightenment.

Interestingly, the new movie is not based on one of the cannon stories of the Sherlock Holmes background, but a new story based on ritualistic murders in London.  Additionally, Mr. Holmes’ opponent is a Lord Blackwood, not Professor Moriarty (though the “blogosphere” is rife with rumors of Brad Pitt possibly appearing in a follow-up movie as the infamous nemesis).

With all this in consideration, and with the plethora of links to the movie, I simply had to ask the next poll question a tad early which incarnation of Sherlock Holmes is your favorite?  I am focusing on the “media” version (e.g. theatre, television, film) portrayals, for the purposes of this particular inquiry.


The primary choices offered are

Basil Rathbone: Numerous Sherlock Holmes movies, during the 1940s and 1950s

The first long-running portrayal of Mr. Holmes, in film form. More information located…

(The episode “Mother Hubbard Case”, part 1… the remainder, as well as other episodes are posted as well.)


Peter Cushing: Numerous film productions during the 1960s and early 1970s

More information on the legendary actor’s portrayal are located at the “Baker Street Dozen’s” website, at:

(From Sherlock Holmes and the Blue Carbuncle, 1968)


Jeremy Brett: The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes (1984 – 1994)

An outstanding series which eventually made its way to the US, The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes is 
perhaps the one of the best known portrayals of Mr. Holmes to modern viewers. For more information, please visit the Wiki, at: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sherlock_Holmes_(1984_TV_Series)

(From “A Scandal in Bohemia” – one of my favorite parts is the introduction, which includes the intriguing portrayals of Victorian London, with Mr. Holmes looking on.)


Robert Downey Jr: Sherlock Holmes (2009)

The newest incarnation, featured in its full trailer, and with plenty of reviews just below…

As usual, I’ve included an “other” category, in case one decides that the previous choices do not appropriately reflect one’s view of Mr. Holmes.  For a more comprehensive listing of actors who have portrayed him, please turn to the appropriate Wiki page.

For further information regarding the recently released movie, please visit the following

Movie Reviews:
CNN Entertainment
Christian Science Monitor
LA Times
Seattle PI / Film.com:
and of course, there is Google Entertainment (which has plenty of shills and critics).

Sherlock Holmes Websites:
Sherlock Holmes Public Library
Arthur Conan Doyle Society
Gutenburg Online (A large selection of novels are located here)
Sherlock Holmes Museum
The Baker Street Journal
The Baker Street Dozen

And as a final note, in the Virtual Worlds…

Mr. Holmes in “The Roofs of Clockhaven” (by Mr. Koskinen)

Finally, I would be remiss if I failed to mention New Babbage’s own Sherlock Holmes (Mr. Elina Koskinen).  To lift a bit from his New Babbage Ning’s narrative…Mr. Sherlock Holmes lives in 221B Perdido Street, right beside the Kahruvel Steamworks and the Pearsed & Cut Gentlemen’s clothing store, in New Babbage Square.  He shares a flat with his good friend and companion, Dr. John H. Watson.Taking Tea, (Mr. Holmes, Dr. Watson, Captain Red, and Professor Kaligawa), 
(by Mr. Koskinen)The great detective fame extends into the virtual worlds as well… with a bit of luck, perhaps we shall see a virtual world episode of the great detective’s work!