Disperate Connections

A tinker’s lab (I presume)…

Happened upon an interesting little piece in the magazine Nature about Steampunk nicely written, but more importantly, it (to me) is vindication that the genre is emerging into its own, especially when it is mentioned in a well-read journal. http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v452/n7183/full/452032a.html;jsessionid=0D247EF83F385AEA83BA0DC7751501AB

Next, Mr. John Ratzenberger, from “Cheers” and “Made in America” fame, has a foundation to encourage people to return to “tinkering”. Actually designed to promote the skilled trades, the “Nuts, Bolts, and Thingamajigs” Foundation was designed to “introduce young people to the pleasures of tinkering. And in that way, we will create the next generation of artisans, inventors, engineers, repairmen and skilled workers – in short, a self-sufficient, self-sustaining society.” The link is just below

http://www.nutsandboltsfoundation.org/Detail of a “Steampunk Ring” by Vintage FiligreeNext, veering off into Steampunk style, another site has caught my attention, appropriately known as “Steampunk Style”. Started last month, it has quite a number of designers (of clothes and jewelry). Many of the items are impressive, and I must say that the wedding cake stand caught my eye! Most certainly worth a visit!http://community.livejournal.com/steampunk_style/?skip=40A Steampunk Wedding Cake stand—–Otten’s Smoking lounge logo – quite debonair!And finally, one more site I would recommend is Ottens Smoking Lounge. Fantastic place with extensive discussions about the realm of Steampunk. A good amount of spirited discourse takes place, well stated and insightful. I have unfortunately not been able to visit it as much as I would have liked, but please do pay Mr. Ottens establishment a visit athttp://www.ottens.co.uk/lounge/